Leave me to hell and let me go by my own route – Famous American frontierswoman Calamity Jane
“The American West”– what do you think of when you hear those words? Perhaps Cowboys and “Indians,” a lawless place governed by the gun and horse, prospecting for land and gold, desolate landscapes and beating sun, leathery skin and darkened faces?
What I think of is some combination of all of the above, as well as the incredible light that you find in that place. The sun shines differently there and the golden hours around sunrise and sunset are truly something to behold. The rugged setting and lighting of the American West make for one of the most fertile photographic and artistic backdrops on Earth.
We’re kicking off a new item this week on The Gentleman Backpacker: a podcast video where we answer reader’s questions about travel tips, photography, anything that comes to mind. Shoot us an email at [email protected]or leave us a comment and each podcast, every couple of weeks, we’ll do our best to answer them for you.
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A stunning, stormy sunrise at dawn, Byron Bay, as the Cape Byron Light guides the way
Byron Bay, the easternmost point on the Australian mainland, is located in the far north of New South Wales. An hour flight from Sydney to Ballina, followed by a half hour drive north takes you to this idyllic coastal town, known for its stunning scenery, backpacker-friendly culture, vibrant arts and music scene, and of course its world-famous surfing. Click to read more and watch my video showing you Byron Bay surfing spots (and see me surf, aka. kook on a pop-out).